MeloneX Bolus Description:
Meloxicam bolus, a prominent product in the wound and pain relief category. Designed for a range of animals including horses, cows, and goats, this medicine is an essential part of the toolkit. It contains Meloxicam 100 mg, is a non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug (NSAID) that effectively manages pain and inflammation in animals.
Uses of Meloxicam bolus
- This is primarily used for managing pain and inflammation in conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in animals.
- Targets and alleviates pain in animals, enhancing their comfort and recovery.
- Reduces inflammation, aiding in the treatment of joint and muscle conditions.
- Suitable for various animals, making it a versatile choice in veterinary medicine.
Common Side Effects:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Decreased appetite
- Ulcers or irritation in the stomach
- Increased thirst or urination
- Drowsiness
- Swelling
- Itching
Large Animals:
2 boli/400kg b.wt daily.
Small Animals:
1/4-1/2 bolus daily orally.
How to Use:
Administer this bolus orally as prescribed by a Veterinary doctor. The dosage may vary depending on the species and severity of the condition. Animeal encourages consulting a Veterinary doctor for optimal results.
Mechanism of Action:
Meloxicam in Melonex Bolus works by inhibiting enzymes responsible for producing prostaglandins, which are mediators of inflammation and pain, thus providing relief.
Safety Advice:
Use as directed by a Veterinary doctor. Monitor for any signs of adverse reactions and consult a Veterinary doctor if necessary.
Leo Pirogov –
Our cat responded well to Meloxicam bolus for dental pain. Appetite returned, and overall demeanor improved.
Milan Galkina –
Used Meloxicam bolus for our alpaca’s arthritis. Significant decrease in limping and discomfort noted.
Albert Galkin –
Our swine herd benefited from Meloxicam bolus during a recent outbreak. It helped reduce fever and inflammation efficiently. Thanks Oddway for quick delivery.
Barbara Ozerova –
Meloxicam bolus provided excellent relief for our cattle suffering from respiratory issues. Noticeable improvement in their condition
Cody Gladman –
Following the administration of the Meloxicam bolus, our dairy cow exhibited noticeable enhancement in mobility within a few hours. Very efficient for controlling pain and reducing inflammation.